The Allocation List is accessible by logging into your account and clicking the greenish button on the top right of your event page, as shown below.
You’ll be presented with a list of all the people who have bought tickets, how many tickets they’ve bought, their booking reference (ticket code) and some other options.
There are three possible ticket types:
This is a regular ticket sold through Ticketlab. Each booking can contain any number of tickets (shown in the ‘quantity’ column). These contribute to your ‘Total sold’ value at the bottom and any funds raised by the sale of these tickets gets paid to you after the event.
You can add tickets to the Guest List by clicking the ‘Add to Guest List’ button shown in the image above (2nd button from the left at the top). These are complimentary tickets you may give to friends, family, competition winners or whoever you think deserves a free ticket. Please note that these tickets do not contribute to your total sold and do not subtract from the total quantity, so if you have strict capacity limits on your venue please be aware of this.
You can add Offline Sale tickets by clicking the ‘Add Offline Sale’ button shown in the image above (3rd button from the left at the top). These are tickets you sell yourself or via other means e.g. box office, cash sales etc. You can add them here as a convenience so you only have one list to consult on day of your event. These contribute to your total sold to ensure you don’t sell more than your capacity, but we do not take payment nor pay you for any tickets added in this manner.
If you’re consulting the Allocation List on a laptop, tablet or mobile phone at your event, when a guest arrives you can check the box next to their name and click ‘Update’ to refresh the list and move them to the ‘Admitted’ section. This ensures that no one else can attempt to use the same ticket twice, and you can segment your data.
Equally, if you check the name of a guest in the ‘Admitted’ section and hit ‘Update’ again, this will return them to the ‘Unadmitted’ section. This is useful if you’ve made a mistake or wish to track people coming into or out of the venue.
At the bottom of the Allocation List you can see some handy totals of admitted, unadmitted, Guest List, Offline Sales and total sales.
The first button in the row at the top of the Allocation List allows you to admit guests without having to scan through the entire list. Simply click ‘Admit guest by ticket code’ and you’ll be presented with a box in which you can enter the ticket code. When you type in their ticket code here you’ll be presented with a screen telling you if this ticket is valid or not.
To print the Allocation List simply use your computer’s default print option: File -> Print or Ctrl+P (Windows), Cmd+P (Mac). The page will format itself to be ultra printer friendly and allow you to check off your guests using a regular pen or pencil. Find out more information on admitting guests.